Kansas 4-H Project Award Evaluation


  1. If a Project Award is selected to advance to the state level, the documents and video are due no later than Saturday, March 1, 2025.
  2. Youth will submit each project award ONE PDF Document, including the Personal Information Page, Cover Letter, Resume & Project Report Form. The file name should be formatted: projectarea_lastname_firstname. Example: Photography Clover Chris
  3. Each State finalist will also submit a five-minute project award video. See instructions and rubric below.
  4. Youth will submit their document(s) and video(s) using the following link no later than Saturday, March 1, 2025: Kansas 4-H State Project Award Submission March 1 is a SATURDAY. If you have concerns about your ability to do this from home, please make an appointment with your local Extension staff member prior to March 1.


Purpose: To contribute to the selection process of the State Project Award winners.

Locations: Remote. Project Award Submissions are evaluated electronically.

Requirements: Evaluators will sign a confidentially statement and receive additional information on how to score the Project Awards. Each project area will have 3 evaluators. An aggregate score will determine winners for the Project Area.

Skills and Knowledge and Requirements:

  • Previous experience of evaluating 4-H awards
  • Ability to be fair and objective
  • Access to reliable internet and technology

KSRE-4-H Department Provides:

  • Notification to selected 4-H scholarship evaluators
  • An orientation for evaluating 4-H project awards
  • Timeline for evaluation
  • Answer questions regarding process or applications.

Extension staff and registered volunteers who want to serve in this capacity are encouraged to complete a short form linked here on or before February 14, 2025: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0x4SXKkykb9fTsq